About Archieball


Archieball, created by Monette Berthomier, Archie Shepp and Samuel Thiebaut is :

  • A booking agency
  • An independant label distributed by l'Autre Distribution

The Team
Monette Berthommier - Manager
Clément Gerbaut - Administration, production


Jean-Michel Mercier
tel: +33 6 27 34 16 56
mail: public.booking@archieball.com


Illustrations of the website: Wozniak
Design et programmation: Martin Sarrazac
Manfred Klein created the fonts.


Archieball's friends:

Wozniak: http://wozniak.unblog.fr/ et http://www.scorbut.eu
Archie Shepp's page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Archie-Shepp/68800135824
Pavel Shepp's page: http://www.facebook.com/mudmat
Shakti Floyd: www.shakrates.com
Les Allumés du Jazz: http://www.allumesdujazz.com/
Festival Jazz à Porquerolles: http://jazzaporquerolles.org
Frank Cassenti: http://frankcassenti.tumblr.com
Oléo Films: http://www.oleofilms.fr/
Jazz Live! : http://www.my-jazzlive.tv
Tom Mc Clung: http://www.tommcclung.com